So, you’ve conquered the world of words and emerged with a degree in creative writing, but now the question looms: what next? Fear not, aspiring storyteller, for your journey is just beginning! This guide will equip you with a roadmap of possibilities, showcasing the diverse paths you can forge with your creative writing degree.

Creative writing graduates represent the highest percentage (13.7%) among humanities bachelor’s degree holders who pursue further education, often in fields like journalism, education, and law.

(Source: College Scorecard)
Illustration of Creative Writing Graduate
Illustration of Creative Writing Graduate

Creative Writing Degree Jobs

While data on specific career paths for creative writing graduates can be broad, research shows a diverse range of occupations pursued, including:

  • The median annual wage for writers and editors in 2023 was $78,220, with top earners exceeding $138,830. (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  • Writers and editors: 22% (encompasses various writing roles, freelance work, and publishing)
  • Teachers and instructors: 18% (encompasses writing instructors, K-12 teachers, and university faculty)
  • Marketing and communications specialists: 12% (leveraging writing skills in advertising, content creation, and public relations)
  • Other professional and managerial roles: 28% (including diverse fields like arts administration, human resources, and nonprofit work)

Which Jobs Can You Get with a Creative Writing Degree

  • Author
  • Editor
  • Content Writer
  • Copywriter
  • Technical Writer
  • Grant Writer
  • Social Media Manager
  • Scriptwriter
  • Journalist
  • Blogger
  • Marketing Specialist
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Creative Director
  • Screenwriter
  • Speechwriter
  • Content Strategist
  • Literary Agent
  • Writing Instructor
  • Communications Coordinator
  • Freelance Writer

Facts about Creative Writing Degree Holders

  • Graduates find jobs in diverse fields: 31% in writing and editing, 20% in education, 19% in business and management, and 14% in arts and entertainment (National Center for Education Statistics, 2021)
  • While the traditional publishing industry might be shrinking, opportunities are growing in other areas like content marketing, copywriting, and technical writing.
  • 30% of creative writing graduates pursue further education, often in English or another literary field. (National Center for Education Statistics)
  • Advanced degrees can lead to higher-paying jobs in academia, publishing, or editing.

Step 1: Explore Your Options:

Traditional Routes:

Fiction: Dive into the world of novels, short stories, and poetry. Hone your craft, submit to literary magazines and contests, and seek representation from an agent.

Non-fiction: Craft compelling narratives for biographies, memoirs, travelogues, or even technical writing. Explore various genres and find your niche.

Scriptwriting: Breathe life into characters through screenplays for film, television, or even video games. Understand the unique format and storytelling techniques.

Opportunities Beyond the Traditional Jobs:

Freelancing: Offer your writing skills to businesses and individuals. Edit, proofread, create marketing materials, or even write website content.

Content Marketing: Captivate audiences with engaging blog posts, website copy, or social media content. Combine your writing skills with marketing savvy.

Teaching and Education: Share your passion for language and storytelling by teaching writing workshops, leading creative writing courses, or even becoming a writing tutor.

Copywriting: Craft persuasive copy for advertisements, websites, or marketing campaigns. Understand the power of words to influence and convert.

Step 2: Build Your Portfolio:

  1. Start a Writing Blog: Share your work, build an audience, and receive valuable feedback. Experiment with different genres and styles.
  2. Participate in Writing Contests: Gain exposure, hone your skills, and potentially win publication or recognition. Research relevant contests and tailor your submissions.
  3. Volunteer Your Writing: Offer your skills to non-profit organizations or community projects. Gain experience while giving back to the community.

Step 3: Network and Connect:

Attend Writing Conferences and Workshops: Learn from industry professionals, connect with fellow writers, and discover new opportunities.

Join Writing Groups and Online Communities: Find your group, share your work, and receive constructive feedback. Build a supportive network.

Connect with Publishers, Agents, and Editors: Research relevant individuals and organizations, attend industry events, and build relationships.

Step 4: Embrace Continuous Learning:

Read Widely and Experiment: Explore different genres, styles, and authors. Push your boundaries and keep your creative juices flowing.

Take Online Courses and Workshops: Deepen your knowledge and skills in specific areas like worldbuilding, character development, or genre writing.

Attend Masterclasses and Seminars: Learn from renowned authors, editors, and industry experts. Gain valuable insights and inspiration.

Bonus Tips for Creative Writing Degree Applications

  • Develop a strong online presence: Create a website or portfolio showcasing your work.
  • Build your brand: Define your voice and niche as a writer.
  • Network actively: Build relationships with other writers, editors, and industry professionals.
  • Never stop learning: Continue to hone your craft and explore new writing techniques.
  • Most importantly, don’t give up: The journey to success can be long and challenging, but with perseverance and passion, you can achieve your writing dreams.


Remember, the possibilities are endless! Your creative writing degree is a springboard, not a destination. With dedication, passion, and a willingness to explore, you can carve your unique path in the world of words. A creative writing degree can open doors to various career paths, not just in traditional writing fields. It equips graduates with valuable skills like critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving, which are transferable to various industries. However, success in the creative field typically requires additional work experience, building a portfolio, and actively seeking opportunities.

By Waqas Sharif

Mr. Waqas Sharif is an English Language Teaching (ELT) Professional, Trainer, and Course Instructor at a Public Sector Institute. He has more than ten years of Eng Language Teaching experience at the Graduate and Postgraduate level. His main interest is found in facilitating his students globally He wishes them to develop academic skills like Reading, Writing, and Communication mastery along with Basics of Functional Grammar, English Language, and Linguistics.

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