Category: Reading Skills

Effective Readers must have effective Reading Skills. Likewise, Skimming and Scanning, SQ3R, KWL, Inferencing, the difference between Facts and Opinions, etc.

List of Reading Skills

           Reading Strategies               Description
Skimming Take a brief look at a text to get a general idea of what it’s about.
Scanning Looking through a text for specific information, such as names, titles, words, dates, and so on.
Predicting Aids in the activation of previous knowledge based on textual clues (pictures, subtitles, etc.)
Connecting Using existing knowledge to make connections with new information
Comparing Thinking more explicitly on the connections they’re making, such as how something differs from.
Inferring Collecting information from a book and interpreting it in ways that go beyond the literal.
Synthesizing Students piece integrate information as they read a text to keep understanding of what’s going on.
Creating Images Creating multisensory imagery to aid in overall text understanding.
Self-questioning As students are engaged with the text to find solutions, a foundation for active learning is established.
Determining Importance Choosing the most significant information from a phrase, sentence, paragraph, chapter, or entire text and prioritizing it.
Re-Reading Providing possibilities for greater comprehension, word recognition, and fluency development.
Reading On By skipping unknown words and continuing to read, enough context is provided to discern the unknown word/words.
Adjusting Reading Rate Adjusting the rate as needed, for example, slowing down to absorb new information or speed up to search for keywords
Sounding Out Unfamiliar words are decoded via knowledge of letter-sound correlations.
Chunking Multisyllabic words are broken down into units bigger than individual phonemes.
Using Analogy Transferring their knowledge of known words to aid in the identification of novel terms.
Consulting a Reference To locate word meanings/pronunciations, use a dictionary, thesaurus, reference chart, or glossary.
Summarizing and Paraphrasing Compressing longer texts to concentrate on key points.
To catch the primary subject, re-state/re-write the material in your own terms using keywords.