List of Collocations
Home » Grammar » The Ultimate List of Collocations for IELTS Students

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a globally recognized exam for non-native English speakers who need to demonstrate their proficiency in the language in order to study, work, or live in certain English-speaking countries. The exam is a test of your ability to use English in a real-world context, and as such, it places a great deal of emphasis on collocations. These are groups of words that frequently occur together in English and are essential for achieving fluency and naturalness in the language. In this post, we will give you a comprehensive guide to mastering key collocations in the IELTS exam, including what collocations are, why they are important, and how to use them effectively to increase your chances of success on exam day.

1. What are collocations and why are they important for IELTS?

Collocations are combinations of words that are commonly used together in a language. For example, the words “strong” and “coffee” are often used together as a collocation, as are “heavy” and “rain”. In the context of the IELTS exam, collocations are important because they can greatly improve your ability to use English accurately and fluently, which are key components of the test.

Not only do collocations help you to sound more natural and fluent when speaking and writing in English, but they can also help you to understand more complex texts and conversations. This is because collocations can provide important clues about the meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases. By mastering key collocations, you can improve your overall comprehension of the English language.

In IELTS, collocations are tested in various sections of the exam, including the writing, reading, and listening sections. For example, in the writing section, you may be asked to use certain collocations to complete a sentence or express a particular idea. In the reading and listening sections, you may encounter collocations in the form of idioms, phrasal verbs, and other linguistic structures.
By focusing on mastering key collocations in your IELTS preparation, you can significantly improve your chances of success on the exam, as well as your overall English language proficiency.

2. How collocations can help improve your IELTS score

Collocations are essentially word combinations that are commonly used together by native speakers. For example, “heavy rain” or “fast food”. In the IELTS exam, mastering key collocations can help you boost your score in several ways.
Firstly, using collocations can help you express yourself more accurately and fluently in English. Instead of just using single words, collocations allow you to string together words in a way that sounds natural and authentic.
Secondly, using collocations can help you achieve a higher score in the lexical resource category of the exam. This category assesses your range of vocabulary, your ability to use words accurately and appropriately, and your ability to use a range of sentence structures.
Finally, using collocations can also help you improve your score in the coherence and cohesion category. This category assesses how well you link ideas together and how well your writing flows. Using collocations can help you link ideas together more effectively and make your writing more coherent and cohesive.
Overall, mastering key collocations is a crucial step in improving your IELTS score. It can help you express yourself more accurately and fluently, expand your range of vocabulary, and enhance the overall coherence and cohesion of your writing.

3. Common Collocations Used in IELTS Exams

Collocations play a crucial role in mastering the IELTS exam. The IELTS exam assesses a range of language skills, including vocabulary and grammar. Collocations are a critical component of vocabulary and are frequently tested in the exam. In fact, many candidates lose marks in the exam because they are not familiar with collocations.
Collocations are words that are commonly used together in English. There are many common collocations that you should be familiar with for the IELTS exam. For example, “take for granted” is a common collocation that means not appreciating or valuing something. Another example is “run into,” which means to meet someone unexpectedly.
It’s essential to study and learn these common collocations before taking the IELTS exam. This will enable you to use them correctly and impress the examiners with your advanced vocabulary knowledge. Moreover, learning collocations will help you to speak and write more fluently in English and improve your overall language skills.
To improve your knowledge of collocations, you should read and listen to a variety of English materials, such as newspapers, books, and podcasts. You can also use online resources and practice exercises to help you identify common collocations and use them accurately in context. With consistent practice and dedication, you can master these common collocations and boost your chances of success on the IELTS exam.

List of 100 Collocations with Useful Examples

  1. Academic achievement: Academic achievement is the goal of every student.
  2. Accurate information: It is important to provide accurate information in academic writing.
  3. Adverse effects: Climate change has many adverse effects on the environment.
  4. Alternative energy: Renewable energy is a viable alternative to fossil fuels.
  5. Appropriate measures: Appropriate measures need to be taken to address the issue of global warming.
  6. Basic skills: Basic skills like reading and writing are essential for academic success.
  7. Clear understanding: A clear understanding of the topic is necessary before writing an essay.
  8. Cognitive skills: Cognitive skills like critical thinking are important for academic achievement.
  9. Collective responsibility: Tackling climate change is a collective responsibility.
  10. Comprehensive approach: A comprehensive approach is needed to address the issue of poverty.
  11. Cultural diversity: Cultural diversity is an important aspect of modern society.
  12. Economic growth: Economic growth is necessary for the development of a country.
  13. Effective communication: Effective communication is essential in the workplace.
  14. Emerging technologies: Emerging technologies like artificial intelligence are changing the world.
  15. Environmental protection: Environmental protection is necessary to preserve natural resources.
  16. Essential elements: Understanding the essential elements of a topic is important for academic success.
  17. Exponential growth: The human population has been growing exponentially in recent years.
  18. Global economy: The global economy is interconnected and affects every country.
  19. Government policy: Government policy can have a significant impact on the economy.
  20. High-quality education: High-quality education is necessary for a successful career.
  21. Human rights: Protecting human rights is a fundamental responsibility of every government.
  22. Innovative solutions: Innovative solutions are needed to solve complex problems.
  23. International cooperation: International cooperation is essential for addressing global issues.
  24. Key factors: Understanding the key factors that influence a situation is important.
  25. Limited resources: Limited resources need to be used efficiently to tackle poverty.
  26. Local communities: Local communities play an important role in sustainable development.
  27. Major challenges: Climate change is one of the major challenges facing the world today.
  28. Mental health: Mental health is an important aspect of overall well-being.
  29. Natural resources: Natural resources like water and forests need to be protected.
  30. Negative consequences: Ignoring environmental issues can have negative consequences.
  31. New technologies: New technologies like renewable energy have the potential to transform the world.
  32. Personal development: Personal development is necessary for achieving one’s goals.
  33. Positive impact: Sustainable development can have a positive impact on the environment.
  34. Primary education: Primary education is the foundation for further learning.
  35. Promising opportunities: The digital age has brought about promising opportunities for businesses.
  36. Public health: Public health initiatives are necessary to prevent the spread of diseases.
  37. Quality of life: Improving the quality of life is a key goal of sustainable development.
  38. Rapidly changing: The world is rapidly changing, and it is important to adapt.
  39. Renewable energy: Renewable energy is a promising alternative to fossil fuels.
  40. Scientific research: Scientific research is necessary for innovation and progress.
  41. Significant impact: Education has a significant impact on individuals and societies.
  42. Social justice: Promoting social justice is important for a fair and equal society.
  43. Sustainable development: Sustainable development is the key to a better future.
  44. Technological advances: Technological advances have transformed many aspects of our lives.
  45. Theoretical knowledge: Theoretical knowledge is important, but practical experience is also necessary.
  46. Accessible education: Ensuring accessible education for all is necessary for inclusive development.
  47. Advanced technology: Advanced technology is changing the way we live and work.
  48. Alternative approach: An alternative approach to education can provide better results.
  49. Behavioral changes: Encouraging behavioral changes can help to mitigate climate change.
  50. Business innovation: Business innovation is necessary to stay competitive in the market.
  51. Civil society: Civil society plays a crucial role in promoting democracy and human rights.
  52. Clean energy: Clean energy sources like solar and wind power can reduce carbon emissions.
  53. Collective effort: Addressing global challenges requires a collective effort from governments and individuals.
  54. Common goal: Working towards a common goal can unite people from different backgrounds.
  55. Complex issues: Addressing complex issues like poverty and inequality requires a multifaceted approach.
  56. Consumer behavior: Changing consumer behavior is necessary to reduce the impact of climate change.
  57. Cultural exchange: Cultural exchange programs can promote understanding and tolerance.
  58. Cultural heritage: Preserving cultural heritage is important for promoting diversity and identity.
  59. Developing countries: Providing assistance to developing countries is necessary for global progress.
  60. Economic opportunities: Creating economic opportunities can help to reduce poverty.
  61. Effective leadership: Effective leadership is necessary for achieving organizational goals.
  62. Environmental degradation: Environmental degradation is a major challenge facing the world today.
  63. Environmental impact: Reducing the environmental impact of human activities is essential for sustainable development.
  64. Global community: We are all part of a global community that shares common challenges and goals.
  65. Globalization: Globalization has brought about both benefits and challenges for people around the world.
  66. Health promotion: Health promotion initiatives can improve the overall well-being of communities.
  67. Human development: Ensuring human development is sustainable and equitable is crucial for a better future.
  68. Innovation ecosystem: Creating a supportive innovation ecosystem can foster entrepreneurship and creativity.
  69. International relations: International relations play a key role in shaping global politics and the economy.
  70. Knowledge economy: The knowledge economy is transforming the way we work and live.
  71. Lifelong learning: Lifelong learning is necessary for personal and professional growth.
  72. Local economy: Strengthening the local economy can promote economic growth and development.
  73. Market economy: A market economy is based on supply and demand and plays a crucial role in modern societies.
  74. Natural disasters: Natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes can have devastating effects on communities.
  75. Negative impact: Industrialization and urbanization can have a negative impact on the environment.
  76. Online learning: Online learning has become increasingly popular in recent years.
  77. Personal responsibility: Taking personal responsibility for our actions is necessary for a sustainable future.
  78. Positive change: Positive change can be achieved through individual and collective efforts.
  79. Quality education: Quality education is necessary for preparing the next generation of leaders and innovators.
  80. Renewable resources: Using renewable resources like water and wind can help to reduce carbon emissions.
  81. Resource management: Efficient resource management is necessary for sustainable development.
  82. Rural development: Rural development is necessary for reducing poverty and promoting economic growth.
  83. Scientific innovation: Scientific innovation has led to many breakthroughs and discoveries.
  84. Social entrepreneurship: Social entrepreneurship can create positive social and environmental impact.
  85. Social inequality: Addressing social inequality is necessary for creating a fair and just society.
  86. Sustainable agriculture: Sustainable agriculture can help to reduce the impact of farming on the environment.
  87. Technological innovation: Technological innovation is driving progress in many fields.
  88. Traditional knowledge: Preserving traditional knowledge is important for maintaining cultural identity.
  89. Waste management: Effective waste management is necessary for reducing environmental pollution.
  90. Water conservation: Water conservation is necessary to ensure the sustainable use of water resources.
  91. Work-life balance: Achieving work-life balance is essential for maintaining well-being.
  92. Youth empowerment: Empowering youth can help to create a better future for all.
  93. Alternative energy: Alternative energy sources like geothermal and biomass can reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
  94. Biodiversity conservation: Biodiversity conservation is necessary for maintaining ecological balance.
  95. Cultural diversity: Cultural diversity enriches society and promotes understanding.
  96. Digital literacy: Digital literacy is necessary for navigating the digital world.
  97. Economic growth: Balanced economic growth can lead to better living standards for people.
  98. Entrepreneurial mindset: Developing an entrepreneurial mindset can foster innovation and creativity.
  99. Gender equality: Gender equality is necessary for creating a just and equal society.
  100. Health care access: Ensuring access to quality health care is necessary for promoting well-being.

4. Tips on how to identify and learn collocations

Collocations play a critical role in the IELTS exam, and being able to identify and use them correctly can greatly improve your chances of achieving success. Here are some tips to help you identify and learn collocations effectively:

1. Read widely: Reading extensively will expose you to a wide range of collocations in context. Make sure you pay attention to the words that commonly occur together and how they are used in sentences.

2. Use a collocation dictionary: A collocation dictionary can help you identify common collocations related to a particular word or topic. These dictionaries provide examples of how the words are used in context, which can help you understand and use them correctly.

3. Use flashcards: Creating flashcards with collocations can be an effective way to memorize them. Write the collocation on one side of the flashcard and the definition or example sentence on the other side. Review the flashcards regularly to help commit the collocations to memory.

4. Practice using collocations: Simply identifying collocations is not enough. It’s important to practice using them in context. Take the time to write sentences using the collocations you have learned, and try to use them in your everyday speech as well.

By following these tips, you can improve your ability to identify and use collocations correctly, which can greatly enhance your performance in the IELTS exam.

5. How to use collocations in writing and speaking sections

Using collocations correctly is crucial in both the writing and speaking sections of the IELTS exam. Collocations refer to two or more words that commonly appear together and form a cohesive meaning. For example, “heavy rain” or “take a break.” These phrases are used by native speakers naturally and frequently, and incorporating them into your language will help you sound more fluent and natural.

In the writing section, using collocations will help you build more complex and cohesive sentences. It will also demonstrate a higher level of language proficiency to the examiner. Take note of common collocations for the topic you are writing about and try to use them in your essay.

In the speaking section, using collocations can help you express your ideas more clearly and concisely. It can also help you avoid common errors such as using incorrect prepositions or verb-noun combinations. Practice using common collocations in your everyday conversations and try to incorporate them in your speaking responses during the exam.

It’s important to note that using collocations correctly requires a good understanding of grammar and vocabulary. You should focus on building both of these skills alongside practicing using collocations in order to achieve success in the IELTS exam.

6. Examples of collocations used in IELTS sample questions

In order to truly master key collocations for the IELTS exam, it’s important to understand how they’re used in sample questions. Here are a few examples to help you get started:
– “Heavy traffic”: This is a common collocation used to describe a situation where there are a lot of cars on the road. In the IELTS exam, you may be asked to describe the traffic in your city or discuss the impact of traffic on the environment.
“Highly educated”: This collocation is often used to describe someone who has advanced degrees or a lot of knowledge in a particular field. In the IELTS exam, you may be asked to discuss the benefits of higher education or the importance of education in today’s society.
“Cultural heritage”: This collocation is used to describe the traditions, beliefs, and artifacts that are passed down from generation to generation. In the IELTS exam, you may be asked to discuss the importance of preserving cultural heritage or the impact of globalization on cultural traditions.
By familiarizing yourself with these and other key collocations, you’ll be better prepared to tackle the IELTS exam and achieve the success you’re looking for.

7. Practice exercises to improve your collocation skills

Improving your collocation skills is a key component in mastering the IELTS exam. It’s important to practice exercises that can help you identify and use collocations correctly. One way to do this is to use online resources, such as websites and apps, that offer collocation exercises and quizzes. These resources can help you identify which collocations are commonly used together and how to use them in context.

Another way to practice collocations is to read and listen to authentic English materials, such as news articles and podcasts. This will help you to become more familiar with the language and the collocations that are commonly used in everyday speech. Try to listen to native speakers as much as possible, paying attention to how they use collocations in their speech.

You can also practice your collocation skills by writing. Start by writing short paragraphs or essays, using the collocations you have learned. This will help you to become more confident in using them correctly and in context. You can also have someone who is proficient in English review your writing and provide feedback on how you can improve your use of collocations.

Remember, the key to mastering collocations is practice, practice, practice. The more you practice, the more confident and skilled you will become in using collocations correctly and effectively in the IELTS exam.

8. How to reinforce your collocation knowledge outside of test preparation

Reinforcing your collocation knowledge outside of test preparation is an important step to mastering key collocations and achieving success in the IELTS exam.
One way to reinforce your knowledge is through reading. Reading a variety of texts, from news articles to novels, can expose you to different collocations and help you understand how they are used in context. You can also keep a vocabulary notebook and write down new collocations you come across while reading.
Another way to reinforce your knowledge is through conversation. Engage in conversations with native speakers or other IELTS test-takers to practice using key collocations in a natural context. You can also join language exchange programs or attend language classes to improve your speaking skills.

Watching movies or TV shows in English can also help you reinforce your collocation knowledge. Pay attention to the language used in the dialogue and try to identify common collocations. You can even write down new collocations and use them in your own conversations or writing exercises.

Finally, using online resources can also be helpful in reinforcing your collocation knowledge. There are many websites and apps that offer collocation exercises and quizzes to help you practice and test your knowledge. Make use of these resources to supplement your test preparation and continue improving your English language skills.

9. Avoiding common mistakes with collocations in IELTS

Collocations are a key component of the IELTS exam, and mastering them is essential for achieving success. However, it’s easy to make mistakes with collocations, and these can have a significant impact on your overall score.
One common mistake is to use a word that is not the correct collocate. For example, instead of saying “heavy traffic,” you might say “dense traffic.” While both of these words may be related to traffic, they are not the correct collocation, and using the wrong word can hurt your score.

Another common mistake is to use a preposition that does not fit with the collocation. For example, instead of saying “take part in,” you might say “take part in.” Again, this mistake can have a negative impact on your score, as it shows that you do not have a good understanding of the correct collocations.
To avoid these mistakes, it’s important to study collocations thoroughly and practice using them in context. You can use online resources, such as collocation dictionaries, to help you identify the correct collocations for different words. Additionally, you should practice using these collocations in sentences and essays, paying close attention to the prepositions and other words that are used in conjunction with them.
By avoiding common mistakes with collocations in IELTS, you can improve your overall score and increase your chances of success in the exam.

10. Conclusion and final thoughts on mastering collocations for IELTS success

In conclusion, mastering collocation is an essential aspect of achieving success in the IELTS exam. It enables you to use language more accurately and effectively, which is a key skill required in achieving a high score on the exam.
By understanding the principles of collocations and practicing their use in writing and speaking, you will gradually become more proficient in how you use language and express ideas. You will be able to convey your thoughts more fluently and coherently, which will help you to impress the examiners and get the grade you desire.
Remember that mastering collocations is not something that can be done overnight. It requires patience, dedication, and persistence. But with enough practice and the right mindset, you can unlock your full potential and achieve the success you deserve in the IELTS exam.
So, keep practicing and never give up. And always remember that success is within reach if you believe in yourself and put in the effort required to achieve your goals. Good luck on your journey toward IELTS success!

We hope that you found our blog post about mastering key collocations in the IELTS exam helpful. Building a strong understanding of collocations is essential for success in the IELTS exam, and we have provided you with a number of strategies to master them. By practicing with the techniques and examples provided in this post, you will be well on your way to unlocking IELTS success. Good luck with your studies, and we hope you achieve the results you desire!

Download Oxford Collocations Dictionary

By Waqas Sharif

Mr. Waqas Sharif is an English Language Teaching (ELT) Professional, Trainer, and Course Instructor at a Public Sector Institute. He has more than ten years of Eng Language Teaching experience at the Graduate and Postgraduate level. His main interest is found in facilitating his students globally He wishes them to develop academic skills like Reading, Writing, and Communication mastery along with Basics of Functional Grammar, English Language, and Linguistics.

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