SQ3R Reading MethodSQ3R Reading Method

The SQ3R study method is a technique for actively engaging with and comprehending written material. The acronym stands for:

  1. Survey: Skim the material to get an overview of the main ideas and headings.
  2. Question: Generate questions about the material based on what you have surveyed.
  3. Read: Read the material carefully, focusing on the answers to the questions you generated.
  4. Recite: Summarize the material in your own words, either out loud or in writing.
  5. Review: Go back over the material and review what you have learned.

The goal of the SQ3R method is to help students actively engage with the material, rather than simply reading it passively. This approach can aid in the retention and comprehension of the material.

Introduction to SQ3R: Srudy Method

The SQ3R reading method is a reading strategy that uses visual, sequential, and read-aloud prompts to engage students in reading. The strategy is designed to help students become more engaged in reading and to improve their comprehension skills. Also, it helps students learn how to better understand and remember the information they are reading.

SQ3R stands for:

  • Survey
  • Question
  • Read
  • Recite
  • Review

How SQ3R studying method different from other strategies

  1. First, the strategy is easy to learn and use.
  2. Second, the strategy is highly effective in engaging students in reading and improving their comprehension skills.
  3. Third, the strategy can be used with a variety of reading materials.
  4. Fourth, the strategy is organized instruction for students of all ages and levels of reading comprehension.

The abbreviation SQ3R Reading Method was created to assist learners in reading with purpose and comprehending difficult material. So, it refers to the stages learners use to apply the method: survey, question, read, recite, and review. Indeed, it’s a method of reading academic literature including textbooks, journals, research papers, and manuals. So, we can improve our understanding of what we’re reading and our capacity to recall it by using SQ3R. Each of these processes is described in detail below.


  • Take a quick look at the title, introduction, table of contents, images, charts, and visual graphics.
  • To locate the important concepts, skim through the section titles, subheadings, and opening phrases of each paragraph.
  • Read the first and last paragraphs, as well as the chapter summaries.


  • Make a question out of the title, headings, subheadings, or the first line of the first paragraph.
  • While reading the content, jot down any questions you have.
  • Consider how this relates to the unit and what you already know.


  • Actively read in order to find answers to the questions you posed.
  • Highlighted only the keywords, not the entire text.
  • Pay special attention to any words or phrases that you have underlined, italicized, or bolded, as well as any graphic aids.
  • When reading tough portions, take it slowly.


  • After reading the first section, keep the book aside and ask yourself questions and try to answer in your own words.
  • Underline or highlight important points you have just read.  
  • Take notes by using your own words.
  • In this way, you apply all your senses to collect the information – SEE, HEAR, WRITE.


  • After you’ve finished reading, take a peek at your notes to obtain a bird’s-eye view.
  • At the end of each section, summarise what you’ve learned.
  • To help you recall what you’ve read, use concept maps and flashcards.

Advantages of SQ3R Reading Method

If you’re looking to improve your reading comprehension and retention, the SQ3R reading method may be for you. This technique can be used with any type of reading material, from textbook chapters to novels.

So, following these five elements of the SQ3R Reading Method practically, should result in enhanced reading comprehension. Because it improves your ability to recognize key points and improved text memory.

Here are four advantages of using the SQ3R reading method:

1. It’s a Flexible Technique

The SQ3R reading method can be adapted to any type of reading material. Whether you’re reading a textbook, a novel, or an article, this technique can help you better understand and remember what you read.

2. It Helps you Focus

One of the benefits of using the SQ3R reading method is that it helps you focus on the material. This is because you’re actively engaged in the reading process, rather than just passively reading the words on the page.

3. It Improves Comprehension

Another advantage of the SQ3R reading method is that it can improve your comprehension. So, this is a unique skill to become an effective reader. Ultimately, it will sharpen your comprehension skills with a little practice.

4. It saves Time

This method helps you survey the whole book e.g. looking at the book title, list of chapters, and contents before reading the whole book. So it helps you to decide whether you should read this full book or not. In this way, an effective reader can save time.

By Waqas Sharif

Mr. Waqas Sharif is an English Language Teaching (ELT) Professional, Trainer, and Course Instructor at a Public Sector Institute. He has more than ten years of Eng Language Teaching experience at the Graduate and Postgraduate level. His main interest is found in facilitating his students globally He wishes them to develop academic skills like Reading, Writing, and Communication mastery along with Basics of Functional Grammar, English Language, and Linguistics.

One thought on “SQ3R Study Method – Why do We Use it”
  1. Thanks for sharing more information on the SQ3R method! I’ve found this technique to help improve my reading comprehension and retention. By surveying the material, asking myself questions, actively reading, reciting the information, and reviewing, I can better understand and remember what I’ve read. If you haven’t tried the SQ3R method before, I highly recommend giving it a shot.

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